We had our gender ultrasound over a week before the party on May 14th. The ultrasound tech doesn't tell you the same day what the gender of the baby is, but I filled out a form so they would email me the results. I received them in my email the next day! The email sat, so easily accessed on my phone for a week. I was dying to open it but knew I had too much invested in planning the party to spoil it!
Part of the party prep was a pink and blue candy bar. We went to the bulk barn and picked out the blue and pink tootsie rolls, salt water taffy, and mini eggs.
And those pink and blue bags were some left over from the prepared bags I made of pink and blue rose petals. The plan was to have Warren open the email with the gender, grab the bags stuffed with the correct colours and give to all our family and friends to throw.
Andrew came by early before the party and helped with prepping our decorations... well the balloons anyways.
I was all over the pink and blue.
We set up a station where our friends and family could put their guess of what gender our baby is on the board. I cut out little hearts for the girls guesses and little blue bow-ties for the boy guesses.
We printed out our 12 week and 19 week ultrasound pictures and put them on display.
I have been taking pictures of my bump every other week since week 10, holding a chalkboard where I wrote what week it was and what fruit our baby was a size of. We printed these pictures and hung them by the board too! Because lots of people say they can tell the gender of the baby by the way I am carrying or ultrasound, I thought these may help with the guesses! Although lots of people have already been firm on their guesses for months!
Our spread of food! I prepared a veggie tray, mexi dip, cheese, kielbasa, and crackers, meatballs, and I made shortbread squares with pink & blue sprinkles!
It was all pink and blue plates, cups, cutlery and we even bought some pink and blue platters!
Aleksy's Mom made the most delicious desserts: a lemon blueberry crumble bundt cake, and brownies topped with a peanut butter sauce... so glad there's leftovers and we'll have dessert all week (or a couple days...)!
The banner that Aleksy made! The plan was to have this is the backdrop of our picture with everyone throwing rose petals, but I think we overestimated the size of our living room with everyone in it, so you couldn't really see it in the official picture (but it looked great!).
Everything went exactly as planned! Warren opened the email and grabbed the bags for everyone and everyone threw the rose petals at us at once! Warren and Paul were the photographers.
And it's a boy!! We are so excited!
Blue rose petals! The rose petals were cleaned up in record time by everyone who took some home and my Rachel who took home a ton!
I have a lot of little bags of unopened pink rose petals in my basement!
The votes were almost split down the middle but there were a few more who guessed boy. My guess was boy and Aleksy's was girl (those are on the board too!)
It's a boy! Time to start shopping and baby room decorating/furniture buying!