We actually have the cutest camper in the world. Logan was so excited to be in the go pod when we first got there and played for a bit/stared at Colton and Chase play or a bit when we first arrived. It was a lot to take in for an 8 month old. He loves being outside and he loves watching toddlers/older kids playing. So this was jackpot for Logan. He was instantly entertained.
We camped at the Pittock conservation area in Woodstock this year. I was surprised how nice it was. Our campsite was right along the water and lined with trees just before the water!
We finally got the baby seat for the bike all ready to go for Aleksys bike and brought it camping with us. There is 1 baby helmet available at good ol Canadian tire and both Logan and his buddy Chase have the same one. How cute are these 2? All ready for a bike ride almost immediately after we arrived. Colton was dying to ride his bike. He has a 2 wheeler with no peddles and just scoots around faster than anything you would imagine with his legs! He's the bravest kid ever too... no fear on that bike!
This was Logan's first time on the back of the bike in his seat. With Logan, we never really know what hes going to like or hate. Its a total gamble. He hated the baby sled like it was torturous. But we were hopeful that this would be successful because we did drop some money on his car seat, the mounting device and helmet. And thank goodness he loved it! So much that we forgot that his bottle was long overdue during the bike ride.
I could buy all the toys out of toys r us and wal mart and Logan would still choose a bowl and spoon or this... his new thing... a shovel. You can see the awesomeness behind our campsite in this picture.
Our friends Chels, Warren and their kids joined us after lunch. We went out for a group walk. As you can see our families have grown significantly over the past 3 years... This is what a ridiculous amount of space we take up! Actually between all our kids (we are cheap contributors) there are the same number of children as adults: 6!
And Colton only fell in the firepit (when there was NO fire!) once!
This was right behind out campsite.. a little trail along the water where we checked out the water with Mr. Logan. It was so easy to entertain Logan during this camping trip... he was happier just being outside and there were new things to see everywhere. Plus his friends love hanging out with him too!
He ended up crashing for the night around 8:30-9pm. He was a little unsettled during the first hour while his buddies also went down and again when we went to bed at 12:30am but he settled himself and for this one night, I also gave him his soother (we stopped giving it at night in April because he would cry for it every half hour). He slept beside me in the pull out bed, while his friend slept in the playpen and his other friend with Steph in bed. The Dads were in the tent with the dog. I still feel like we got the short end of the stick somehow...
Mr. Logan was the first up for the day at 6:45am, but very soon after his friends were also up. All playing together in bed in the morning.. I love this! This is the bed where Logan and I slept! He had the safe corner beside the wall...
After an awesome sausage and egg breakfast, we headed home just when it was nap time for Logan. Even though it was just a 45 minute drive, we didn't want him to be cranky being constarined to his carseat so we planned the drive home with nap time.
And when we got home, we prepared for our Burlington visitors who stayed the night on Sunday: Nikki and Jon Jon. Before they arrived, we were able to sneak some cleaning in, and a neighbourhood bike ride with Logan! The holiday Monday was a gorgeous sunny day. When Nikki and Jon Jon arrived, we went for a walk (where we saw a random block party and also the baby ducks in our neighbourhood pond!) and sat outside while we bbqed supper. Mr. Logan went to bed at his regular 8pm time and we stayed up looking at our old Dominican pictures, reminiscing about our awesome vacation together 4 years ago!
And Monday was Steph's birthday so we went over to see her new place and have birthday pina colodas on her new patio!