Monday, January 15, 2018

Post Christmas days & New Years 2018

We had a few days off in between Christmas and new years, which was really nice for good quality fam time with not much plans!

We both had the 27th off, which was the day we got to see our baby at the 12 week ultrasound. Baby is healthy and I'm pretty sure this time it's a girl. One month to know for sure!
Excitement in our house after Christmas is that Logan's been spending more and more time in his big boy underwear! I swear he gets a whole year older looking just having these on instead of a diaper!
After Aleksy worked the Thurs/Fri and I worked the Fri, we managed to squeeze in a date night on the weekend: the day before New Years. Our gift card was clearly burning a hole in our pockets, so we were very excited to go to dinner and a movie with our Moxies gift card. Because we don't like late nights and I'm the tiredest person in the world in this pregnancy, we actually did movie and a dinner - 2pm movie (The greatest showman, which was awesome!!) and then Moxies.
And new years eve, we spent with our friends at the Osbornes place with lots of appetizers (a ton of dips) and a pretend countdown for the kids. As you can see, Logan thought it was a darn good time. 
The kids countdown was to release all these balloons that were held up by a table cloth. The kids loved it! Also,some of them hardly noticed... 

Making new years complete with cupcakes and sprinkles. 
12 whole weeks!

We left at a reasonable time that night before 8pm so the kiddos could get to bed and we watched the ball drop at home, even though we tried to talk ourselves into giving up and just going to bed a bunch of times... more appetizers to keep us going... It was a M&M meats kind of new years!
And new years day, we went to a Knights hockey game with this monkey. The lady at the gate agreed with us about his cuteness so she shared her chocolate dipped licorice with him... for being cute.
Logan was so into the game that he sat on the floor at out feet to devour his popcorn. The views great fro down there.

But he did last 2 periods before we headed home...
And New years night, we spent reading through all these little pieces of paper that we've written throughout the year about good things that happened to remember: Vegas, cottaging, Chicago, Montreal & Ottawa, and all the little awesome things in between!

I don't have specific New Years resolutions, but what I am doing is starting 2018 grateful for all that I have - not looking at what comes up short, where I've placed expectations and by doing so, have let myself down when they are unmet. I am not in control of others actions and opinions, and I won't let those tie me down from bringing out the best positivity and happiness in my life, which I can share with my family and friends who matter.

I have so much in this life to be grateful for and that will be my focus.

I will continue to work on myself to release expectations and let what will be, be. I will try to make the most of what comes my way and when disappointed, understand that there is nothing helpful about taking it personally. This is where we make it about us and create a bigger problem than what there actually is.

Sometimes I need a reminder to take on these mindful practices so I can promote the best happiness in my life!

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