Monday, July 16, 2018

Baby Leah is Here!

Baby Leah Rose made her grand entrance on Saturday June 30th at 7:56pm. She was a whole pound and a half more than her brother at 8 bs 8oz and was 19 3/4 inches in length. She was born at 38 weeks and 3 days (11 days early). Figures that the small baby would be the c section and big baby id have to push out!

My water broke while Logan, Aleksy and I were playing outside in the backyard on Friday June 29th around 4:45pm. Strawberry picking earlier that day with a bumpy trailer ride and pretending to run through the sprinkler may have contributed. I called the midwife and arranged to get a full nights rest and meet them at the hospital the following morning (unless I went full blown into labour that night...I didn't). Logan headed to his Nana and Dziadeks on the Friday night.

And Leah was a breezy labour. I got to the hospital at 8:30am. We did get off to a rocky start when the midwife tried to find my vein for the IV and missed, then I passed out. I started with mild contractions, had oxytocin to induce the labour at 10:30am, laboured naturally until about 2/3pm when I asked for the epidural (I was around 5cm a that time) then she blew from 5cm to 9cm by 5:30pm. The midwife checked because I was shaking and could feel pressure and sure enough, she was right there! Although I was fully dilated by 5:30, we waited until 6:30 to push and she was born at 7:56pm. My epidural was even perfect and I could feel the pressure of my contractions (with no pain) so I knew when to push. I did run a fever when pushing and Leah's heart rate went from 150 to about 170/180 so we also had an OB in the room for delivery.

One of the cool things about midwives is somethings are not so conventional... my midwife let Aleksy catch Leah on her way out (and cut the cord of course). I was able to have the skin to skin that I really wanted with Logan after she was born. I had her skin to skin while the midwife stitched and stitched (which felt like forever with my 2nd almost 3rd degree tears).

This beautiful girl about an hour after she was born. She was born with the best cheeks!

We were in the birthing room until about 10pm with the stitching and first feed and we both were brought some pb & j toast and ice cream since eating wasnt on our mind the last part of the day. Then we headed over to the Mother and Baby care unit. I had requested a private room but they said it is likely they wouldn't be available, but then we got one anyways! We obviously picked the right time for birth. We were lucky because the night nurse was amazing! She brought cookies so I could dip them in my ice cream and was available for all the crotchsicles and breastfeeding support. Leah was such a natural at breastfeeding right at birth, which was one of a big worries of mine. She's still doing great, we are just working on getting back up to her 8lb 8oz birth weight (she was 8 lb 3 oz 3 days ago).
With my beautiful, sweet newborn!

I have one just like this with Logan, but I look way more tired with Logan... thanks Leah for the seamless labour and delivery!

Leah met her big brother on Canada day morning. Logan wanted to hold baby sister and since that time has only agreed to holding her 2 more times (both of which are caught on camera because I have a newborn and daily picture taking is in full force!). He's having a bit of a rough go accepting that he has to share Mommy and Daddy, but it's been exceptionally hard because I've been couch bound for 2 weeks after having caught an infection in my stitches.

He's coming around slowly and Im sure in no time he wont remember life without her! Last night he let Leah into his bed for nighttime storytime. My heart exploded.
Daddy love from day 1.
The hospital was quick to get us going. After getting to the birthing room at 10pm, we slept (waking up for a couple feeds in the night), then had a visit with Logan and Aleksys parents and then we were preparing to leave! Leah was first checked out by the nephrologist (and the peds from NICU the night before) about her kidney issue, and they agreed that she would be seen as an outpatient and we would come back for an appointment on the Friday.

We left Canada day at 9pm and this is our picture right before leaving. First stop: Shoppers for my breastfeeding cream and Leah's antibiotic.
And our drive home was around 10pm on Canada day, right when the fireworks were going off and people were all down wharncliffe watching.

She did great the first night at home and slept the whole time. Funny in retrospect.. we had to set the alarm to wake her up to feed. Now, we just hope the grunting and wake ups are no less than 2 hours apart. What even is uninterrupted sleep?

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