Tuesday, April 9, 2019

9 months 9 months 9 months!

When Logan turned 9 months, I did a post to track all the things he was doing at that time and I'm doing the same for Leah! This is what little Leah is up to:

Little lady is sturdy on her feet and can stand for a long while. If she stands for more than 3-5 minutes then her legs tend to widen and she's usually too interested in wanting to play than to stand for longer than 3-5 minutes!

Crawling is so on the brink... if I posted in another week I'm confident she will have nailed it! She gets herself up on her knees and hands and rocks. She tries to move and gets really frustrated and falls on her belly then wiggles backwards!

Leah had her first swing experience a few weeks ago and even has one in our backyard for the summer!

She loves walks outside in the bjorn (we've done a couple since the weather is just starting to change) and going in the pink push car that I got for free from a Mom group! It has a steering wheel so she's in heaven.She also loved the steering wheel on the shopping cart in Canadian tire when she went for the first time about a month ago (she has been sitting up for a while now... 6 months)

She loves playdates with friends and looking at other kids playing. She's curious when they are close and wants to grab their faces and/or ears and hair (and ours!)

She says "dadadada" and "babababa" and her new thing is to scream in excitement really loudly... everywhere!
Leah loves to do everything that Logan is doing and watch him. He makes her laugh way easier than Aleksy and I can.

Her favourite things are Logan, her brothers toys, anything that she probably shouldn't have (I dug a tag from her mouth the other day that she ate off a toy), games where we giggle her little body, clapping (she can clap) and shaking our heads "no no no" with her. She's content to play with toys sitting on the floor for a while and in her exersaucer too.

Leah is a champion napper and sleeps in the morning usually 1.5-2 hrs (when she wakes up at 1 hour thats a pretty small nap for her!), and afternoon nap is usually 1-1.5 hours! She no longer sleeps well on the go so these good naps are only crib naps and even car naps are risky because she wakes up when we stop driving! She sleeps from about 7:30/8 to 6:30-7am (I think she would sleep longer but wakes to the chaos in the house... she has slept in until 8/9am several times!). She has been getting up once a night for a while now.

Leah took a while to get used to food and at first would only eat pouches but now, even though her favourite still remains pouch, she also likes butternut squash mixed with applesauce, avocado and banana and I can sometimes mix carrots or sweet potatoes with pouch to get her to eat it. I can hide chicken and turkey in most of her foods. She has recently started eating more solid textured foods and we have found she loves scrambled eggs and shredded cheese!

She is also obsessed with puffs and mum mums and yogurt. She likes cheerios but sometimes swallows them too quickly before they disintegrate.

Leah decided to call it quits for breastfeeding around 9 months. She started with not feeding in public (around December), then would only feed before naps, then only after naps and the last feed to go was the overnight feed! She remains crazy about her formula bottles and gets so excited she shakes when she sees us shaking a bottle up!

She is a chunker baby and I weighed her at 21 lbs the other day!

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