Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Best of July Vacation Days: Week 2

And the 2nd week of vacation, Logan headed to daycare again for just the Monday. The rest of the week was just me and Logan doing daytime activities!

When Logan went to daycare on the Monday, I had a day trip planned with Brooklyn to go to Simcoe for the day so I can see where Brooklyn's going to go to school, and her house! It was Brooklyn's birthday so I wanted to do something more exciting than a regular get together. We headed up in the morning and got there about 11am and went for a walk in the downtown park! We told the person Brooklyn is renting from that we'd be there around 12pm, so we headed to see her place after our walk (and scoping out some lunch options).

After seeing Brooklyns awesome farm place, we headed back into town and got some lunch at the Blue elephant in the downtown. Then we saw the Fanshawe satellite school in Simcoe - it was awesomely small but looked pretty nice and new.
Then we spent the remainder of the afternoon exploring on foot - we found an ice cream factory that we really wanted to tour (and sample) but it didn't seem to have tours, but to make up for it, we found a sweet shop and got my favourite chocolate covered licorice and a choc covered rice krispie square for Logan (even if we ate most of it).
And Tuesday, Logan and I headed down to Gibbons park for the morning. And ran into family! My Aunt and cousin's boy, Westley were there. Logan took Westley's hand and they headed into the splash pad together.
Logan liked following Westley around. I love when paths cross and you get an extended family update unexpectedly!
After a morning at Gibbons and then some lunch when we got home, Logan went down for his nap. I decided that I was going to take a break from my regular workout routine of muscle work pretty much everyday so I can enjoy the afternoon drinks that I sometimes sacrifice for a workout! I still managed to get in some runs, but wine out back while Logan was napping was so worth taking a break!

This was when our patio was just gravel (now its stone!!)
Our Wednesday consisted of a bit of Masonville shopping. This guy needed some new sandals so we hit up the mall to see what we could find. We got some new sandals and more importantly a delicious green smoothie ("yummy" according to Logan). He shared with me. This kid loves his smoothies!
Thursday, I squeezed in a morning run with the goober. Pour some cheerios in the tray and good to go! Pushing a stroller definitely makes it more difficult I decided. We took a run break to see the ducks at the front of our subdivision...

We also had a visit with my grandparents - Logan's great Grandparents that morning. Getting all our invites out for Logans 2nd birthday party!
And then we took the rest of Thursday easy including making healthy blueberry muffins in preparation for our camping trip the next night! Sometimes when camping, you just need something easy for breakfast or to snack on... And this kid skipped naps like nobody's business when we were off (I thin he had a couple 1 hour naps) so might as well take advantage!

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