Sunday, September 17, 2017

Logans 2nd Birthday!

We officially have a 2 year old. At 2, Logan's favourite toys are his vacuum and lawn mower, his favourite foods are yogurt and noodles (with butter and parm), his favourite things to say are "oh no!", "lots..", "more", and "adult" (for things he can't have). He also has regular things he says based on the time of day like "coffee down", "wash my hands", "close the door", and "cut the grass". He can count to 10 (for a couple months now) and sing most of the ABCs song (by sound). His speech, cognitive development, and understanding of cause and effect are above his milestone level and he is clearly a really bright boy. He is curious about everything around him and loves routine and structure. He will correct us if things are out of place. He's obsessed with wheels on the bus and 10 in the bed. To make us laugh he makes funny sounds and rolls his eyes to look at us from the corner of his eyes. He will also call me "Dadas", and Aleksy "Mamuf" (that's Logan's version of Mama) to be funny. He recently decided when he is not getting his way he would mumble "thunder!" to us.

I stated planning for this birthday party super in advance. I ordered these construction themed in June or July and got the invites out early. I also started gathering truck themes/black and yellow themed items around the same time.
On Friday the 15th, I took the day off work to bake, shop and prepare for the party. I found these little trucks at the dollar store and the idea for the cake on Pinterest and whipped up a construction themed cake! I settled for the boxed cake as a time saver, and got the candy as the gravel and dirt for the toppings.
When I ordered the invitations from Vistaprint, as I was checking out they were up-selling me as they do, and one of the options were these adorable stickers. For once I took them up on the up-sell and they worked perfectly for multiple purposes like cupcake toppers.
And our party favours were plastic "hard hats" and a tool belt for all! These were some good ebay finds that went right along with our theme.

And Aleksy made up the thank you tags "it was LOADS of fun" Love, Logan.
Logan's birthday morning was a crazy rush of a morning. We were up at 6:30am (Logan told us "All done sleep, Mamuf", "All done sleep, Dadas") and we were actually sipping coffee and blowing up balloons, attaching tags to favours and sweeping all around 7am!

After we made some progress, we got out Logan's birthday present: the classic ikea eisel! He began his art immediately.
After rushing to put decorations together, grab some things from the store and get ready in precisely 25 minutes, it was all put together for exactly 11am. And so it was picture time with our big boy!

I made this pinterest inspired 2 from cardboard and caution tape!

Logan and cousin Emma playing their own version of ring toss - Logan asking Emma to talk into the pylons!
Sandwiches and salads for lunch. Along with some spinach pastry puffs made by Lorraine - a real crowd pleaser.

All black and yellow, black and yellow (insert wiz khalifa tune here)
Big kids having some lunch at the little kid table.
Cake time - the candle was a little sensitive so I had to try to protect the flame on my way over to Logan - with one little break when we first started the song because of the candle blowing out.
He blew the candle out with the help of the wind.

Steph always taking high quality, finger free pictures (Another classic Steph!).
One of the 2 bites tops that Logan had of his birthday cake. With his friends having cake at Logans table too!
Present time. Logan was one spoiled little boy. So many new toys and clothes and a wide variety to! He had so many presents to open that he wandered around intermittently... with his lawn mower, hiding in the corner...

But its been all excitement around here with all his new goodies.
Lots of sandbox love at Logan's birthday party. This seemed to be the kid favourite (there was also ring toss, corn hole and some other toys like his lawn mower and car with gas tank but sandbox for the win!)

Logan's construction crew! All ready to build or dig!

Logan had such a good day that he didn't nap until 2:30pm!

And after he woke up we went for ice cream at Scoops and a bike ride and even let him stay up 45 minutes past bedtime!

And since we couldn't make it to breakfast before his party, we did breakfast out at the restaurant close to us at Wonderland and Fanshawe. Logan is a breakfast guy so he loved him some pancakes and sausages!

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