Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Leah's 1!

Leah had her birthday and party this weekend and we no longer have an under 1er! In fact, yesterday she took her first independent steps... a good 4 or 5 of them too! Baby girl's going to be walking in no time and then it will be all toddler land over here.

Every month I have taken her monthly picture and I put together all the pictures for her birthday with her cake smash picture for her 1 year. She did her cake smash 1 week before her birthday. The changes between 4 and 8 months are crazy! I think she went from something like 12lb to nearly 20! Now shes at 22 and a half my chunky monkey.
The theme of Leah's birthday was pink and gold/silver glitter and princess. So these glittery crowns were perfect for favours for the kiddos!

I may have started shopping months in advance to gather all the goodies... online shopping and mat leave are so complimentary!
Leah opened her present from us on her birthday morning. Aleksy (and Logan of course) assembled that morning and she loves this thing so much. She gets frustrated though and sometimes wants to dive down from the side where the door doesn't open..
I spent the morning icing up these cupcakes and cake. I was happy with how the little flowers turned out! I bought the little cake icing tip and it was so easy. And the little candy beads from bulk barn.

I didn't even mind the drooping flowers on the cake... it was pretty enough to not notice!
Apparently finding pink candy wasn't as easy as it seems. I scrounged up a lot of it from the dollar store and somehow between the bulk barn and dollar store the candy bar cost me $100. I had no idea candy could be so pricey!

But it was so cute with the "little princess" boxes!
I was so excited for our Mommy and me matching outfits! I bought these a couple months in advance for her birthday.
I have learned to roll with all the easy maintenance food for parties and get togethers and a sandwich bar is the easiest thing ever especially with pre sliced cheese! I really just cut up the red onion, tomatoes and lettuce and everything else was Costco special. Aleksy's Mom made the elaborate yummy salads.

I do however get credit for going to Costco on a Saturday... I needed the buns to be fresh so I could go earlier in the week.
After lunch was cake time. It got super windy so there was no candle which worked pretty well because its the first thing Leah grabbed.
My saddest moment of Leah's birthday was that I didn't get to watch her destroy the cake but I did see the aftermath. That was a cupcake in case you can't tell.

It's not all that bad though because I did see her smash an entire cake last weekend (and then we helped her eat it afterward... it was a little banged up but still delicious!
As you can see, little lady needed a wardrobe change after her cake mess. Luckily we had a gorgeous one from Nana and Dziadek ready to go! Leelee decided that she wanted to spend her opening present time standing. She really like the tissue paper and wrapping paper.... oh and the presents.
Once the kids figured out Leah was getting new stuff, they needed to check it all out! Leelee is checking out her new book here!

The party wrapped up shortly after 3 and then we spent some time cleaning the bomb that went off in our kitchen and backyard but then still had time for a fire with the kids and some backyard play! Spidey dogs for supper... our speciality.
Leah's cake smash. Amanda killed it again with the pictures!

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