Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The Annual Boat Weekend

We can't miss a year! Sail boats and kids under 4 are not the best mix in the world with confined spaces for long periods of time, minimal sleeping spots, and of course the dreaded life jacket (which I think we are in the clear for after this year because Leah will be 2 and will understand better next year!) but each year gets better and more enjoyment from the kiddos and its worth it every time!

Boat weekend was August 10th and Logan was equipped for the road trip with his smoothie and tablet of downloaded shows. Lucky for us the drives to and from were pretty good (aside from Leah getting sick on the way home.. she's been doing that more lately!).
We got there at lunch time so went in to eat straight away! I made tuna salad the night before (and smelled like fish all night) so it was easy peasy. These 2 though... Logan wouldn't be about the celery and onion so he had his noodles with pesto. Leah's just as picky (although spits out pretty much all vegetables) but did have some.
That weekend wasn't the warmest and with the wind and other boaters saying it was choppy out, we decided not to take the kiddos out for a sail on the Saturday so we didn't scar their opinions of sailing! Also so I didn't have a heart attack afraid for the kids... We hung out on the boat and around the marina instead!
Logan officially loves the boat! He even didn't mind that we didn't sail the Saturday because he just likes sitting at the front (I have to say bow because Paul would be very upset...) so exciting! He really wanted to go into the window thats a sky light for the bathroom (again Paul... the head).
Although this little cutie is basically running now, here she was content to just hold hands and meander the marina. Logan was pretty pumped about the Police boat and later when having our supper at one of the bbq areas in the marina we saw a Police officer speed to the boat and set off... so exciting! It was basically straight from Paw Patrol...
fam boat picture!

We had some bbq for supper, then headed to our hotel around 8pm that night with  plan to go out the next morning for a sail!
Anything that includes snuggles is Leah's favourite! Logan is also into snuggles but way more into tv! They had some snacks and then crashed in the hotel... Logan with his own double bed, Leah with her playpen and us roughing it with the other double (why do we always get the beds that sink into the middle!?)
They even slept in until 730am! A quick breakfast snack and bottle before heading back to the boat!

She'll just take the whole banana... and throw the cheerios by the handful.
We got some McD's breakfast, which Logan thought could be better enjoyed by the ducks. All the pancakes except for Leah's portion went to Logan's little duck friends...
Life jackets on and ready to sail! I even got a smile out of Leah here despite her having it on!
This was Leah the whole sail. Just like Logan when he was 10 months. She even fell asleep the last 20 minutes or so! Logan loved it and will probably love it more when he can start helping with things. It was a perfect day for it... not too windy that we were heeled over but windy enough that we went!

After our sail, it was nap time for Leah so we headed back home. She slept until about Cambridge then got sick when she woke... she has been doing this a lot lately poor babe.

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