Thursday, April 12, 2012

My (broken) 26th Birthday!

This year, my Birthday was made out to be a whole 3 days since April the 2 is a Monday and we celebrated on the weekend. Aleksy arranged for a surprise celebration for the evening on March 31, starting with supper for 6:30pm.

It is tricky when you live with someone to hide things like having a party back at our place. Aleksy spent most of Saturday out shopping then this was set up before we left for supper. I figured it probably would be a good guess that we were having people over after supper...

This picture actually doesn't do justice for how nice this looked - pink napkins and plates because I love pink, 3 pretty (and fragrant) Easter flowers, and a tray to ice the wine.

Aleksy did end up spilling the beans as to where we were going to supper before we left. I'm not going to lie, it may have had a little to do with me being a crazy person and telling Aleksy I didn't want to go anywhere too fancy because I don't feel pretty with my MASSIVE cast and crutches. We ended up heading to La Casa at 6:30pm, where I walked by the window and SURPRISE, there's my friends at the table! It was so great for so many people to be able to make it (and for Aleksy to arrange it!)... I have pretty great friends & boyfriend!

Our meals were very tasty too (which they better have been for the price we paid!). Aleksy had duck, which I had a bite of and surprisingly was a red meat, which I figured it would be more like chicken. I had a seafood risotto, which was good, but not as good as Aleksy's duck and garlic mashed (although mine was 20 and his was 30). What I should have got: the spinach pasta that Sam & Steph got... I had a bite and it was delic! The people at the restaurant were super nice to my birthday party and brought me a piece of cake and everyone sang happy birthday! They also offered me a free shot of vodka to "take my mind off" my foot (because I had to put elevate it).

After supper, we headed back to our place for an after celebration and mostly everyone was able to make it out (except the Browns because they had to go on vacation..pfff). We played a homemade version of the game of  things, which was a lot of fun and then had MORE birthday cake!! (There has been lots of cake eating in the past couple weeks!). I was very happy that everyone stayed in the living room since my mobility was limited.

Happy 26 to me!

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