Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A Wee Outing to the Sugar Bush

This past Saturday, we made plans with the Osbornes to hit up the sugar bush (for the second year in a row... how do you say no to pancakes and maple syrup?).

We made arrangements to meet at 10am and Saturday was the foggiest day! I am usually very prepared for weather conditions, but for some reason, I forgot to wear my durable snowboots or even my rainboots (because clearly dress boots are appropriate sugar bush footwear!).

After waiting for a bit in the line for the horse wagon ride, we got on: here's steph, me and little Chase's head.
Aleksy, Al & Colton on the horse wagon... Colton loved the horsies!
And we made all of our pit stops to learn how maple syrup was made through time: from first nations to early settlers to modern times. Colton did well with patience going through the stations and Chase needing a little comforting at first (with Al singing him some Christmas songs) then fell asleep until pancake time!

My toes were a bit frozen toward the end, but I knew we had some pancakes waiting for us!
The men who volunteer at the sugar bush tried for some recruiting of Aleksy and Al to do some volunteer work (they recruited last year too!).

There was a pretty long line to get the food and most spots in the place were taken so Steph and I held some spots (the most sticky-free spots we could find) while Aleksy and Al got us pancakes, sausages and hot chocolate. So good! We were a little distracted by the super loud music + yodeling but Colton stared at the performers for a good amount of time and seemed to like them!

After the sugar bush, our weekend was filled with little people birthday celebrations.... Natalia on Saturday later in the day and Rachel's rollerskating birthday party on the Sunday!

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