Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May Weekending

This past week has been anywhere from 5 degrees and freezing to 25 degrees and sunny. I try to take advantage when I can. On Friday, my Mom group friends had a girls night planned so my usual Friday night routine of going to my Power Barbell and step classes was a no go. Well... I actually could have made them but I got my hair cut earlier in the day and I didn't want to ruin my hair before going out!

And when you know you don't have to work out, it's sunny out, the baby goes down for a nap at 3pm, and there's a cold beer in the fridge... you crack it and enjoy the sun while you can!
Friday night we went to Forrats in Byron for wine and chocolate fondue. It was weird without the kiddos but so nice to be able to pay attention to full conversations without our little interrupting people! Plus the fondue was so good. I also didn't leave empty handed since they had chocolate covered licorice (I never say no to those), chocolate covered dried mangoes and coconut clusters. All gone by Saturday.

On Saturday, we headed to Kitchener for Maiko's Mario 4th birthday party! There was Mario everywhere... the walkway, the entrance, the living room, dining room... So awesomely decorated And that cake...

Thank goodness Logan was a happy little man the whole time he was there. Although we was a little afraid of the 4 year olds running about at first. After the best food (always at Tabi and Dons), multiple pieces of cake and donuts, we left earlier than we ever have at 8pm. This is a huge life change... usually we are there until midnight or sleeping over and having drinks!

Even 8pm was way late for us.. Logan's usually down by 8-8:30pm. But he went straight to bed when we got home around 9:15pm and woke once in the night. Probably because we changed up his routine and he didn't have his usual, oatmeal, bath, story, bed. He's been really good at sleeping through the night the past month. He sleeps through the night about half the time now!
On Monday morning, we had some visitors at our place. Aleksy's cousin and her little girl Daniella came over and we we took a stroll over to the park... because all 3 year olds love our awesome park!

Logan had some swinging time. This little dude is getting so big that the baby swing is not so big for him anymore!
After spending a good amount of time at the park, we headed home for some lunch (sharing my smoothie love!!) then bubbles outside in the backyard.. oh and some glamour shots!

Amanda brought her amazing camera and took this picture.. my favourite of me and Logan.
And this sweetness... the cousins checking each other out! Between bubbles... the bubbles were more exciting then posing for photos apparently..
And yesterday our not so little goober monster turned 8 months. This is going too fast..

At 8 months this guy has developed such a personality (I didn't know it started so early!). He is a cuddly guy who now gives big wet open mouthed kisses... loves to cuddle/bite my shoulder when he hugs me... and can be quite aggressive... kicking his legs and biting while showing affection (because its such intense love!!).

Logan can sit up on his own since 6 months and now eats bits of muffin, peanut butter and toast, shredded cheese and all pureed veggies and fruits (this guy has been introduced to so many... even papaya!). His favourite in banana, yogurt and applesauce. He says "Heya", "Mamama", "Dadada", and "Bababa"... among other babbles that we pretend are words (or are they?).

His smile is the brightest smile in the world and he's a happier baby with every day that passes (unless his teeth are coming through... then watch out!).

Our favourite is that his exciting face is the face that looks like he's going to eat you... or destroy you. One of the two. We love this little person to pieces!!

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