Monday, April 25, 2016

Food & Fitness March & April

These past 2 months have been healthier months for Aleksy and I. The biggest healthful change that happened was we cut out our daily evening ice cream (well it was frozen yogurt... but usually had chocolates in it!) and switched it up for greek yogurt. That was pretty much the only unhealthy thing we ate (during the week... weekends are for treating yourself!), so our diet is now mostly clean! With cutting out these cheating treats, I was able to lose 5 lbs in the last 2 months, which makes it only 6 lbs until my pre-baby weight!

Since we have had so many nice days, we have been able to get out for a couple walks in Springbank park on the weekends. This is one of my favourite things to do as a family. We also bought a bike seat for Logan so we can go on a family bike rides but we are waiting for the attachment part to come in, so Logan will have his first bike ride soon!

I also go to a walking program Tuesday mornings for Moms and babies and this past week we also went to Springbank, which we are making a weekly thing!

Aleksy and I are always consistent gym goers, and our system now is we alternate days and each of us goes 3 times a week! Sometimes on an off day, we'll run because its not quite as time consuming as going to the gym. I have a 5k coming up on Mother's day so the running practice is good!

I have a fitbit. And I love it! This is my weekly stats from last week... I think this was my personal best! 14 thousand average steps per day :)

I haven't got my stats from this week yet but I wonder if they may be even better!

Lots of walks, gym going and runs. Killin it.

My new favourite go-to breakfast or snack is green smoothies! I'm addicted... My fav is mixed fruit (pineapple, strawberries, mangoes and peaches), avocado, kale, spinach, chia seeds and water. Every Day.
It's not all salads (although we eat a lot of salads...). As a weekend treat, I made us chicken fried rice this weekend! So good and mostly clean (we just wouldn't typically eat the brown rice during the week). So delicious and easy.

We also had some cheats this month like cake (multiple times), chocolate, and some meals out (I got sick after the shawarma and wont be eating it again for a long time!)... this is why we look forward to weekends! Also for drinks...
Our Saturday treat! Healthy but still fun with the Guinness cheese and wine!

Some Little Peoples Birthdays

On March 22nd, we welcomed the Webster twins to the world!

2 times the chaos! Mason and Lincoln were actually close to Logan's birth weight at 5lb 3oz and 6 lbs 2 oz. Chelsea makes big, healthy babies! Only 6 months apart from Logan, these guys are going to be best buddies with Logan... they actually don't have a choice because their parents hang out all the time!

I don't know just when my baby got so huge but next to these newborn babies, he's mammoth!

Chelsea and Warren are handling 2 newborns plus a 2 year olds like champs... seriously. Chelsea even takes these guys to Books for Babies as of 3 weeks old. I know some very inspiring people!

And just this weekend, we celebrated Colton's 3rd birthday! This was his homemade Paw Patrol cake... vanilla cake with vanilla pudding in it too... Colton would say "banilla"... not to be confused with banana/vanilla though. Logan partied with his friend but couldn't participate in the cake eating this year. He can next year (although we did give him a taste of ice cream for the first time this weekend.. lime and mango sherbet... just a little).

Colton blowing out his candles.. with his Mom, Dad and brother Chase (only 2 months until another brother or sister! I think sister...).

Sunday, April 10, 2016

My Big 3-0 Birthday Weekend

We love Groupon. In my regular Groupon searches, I was looking at the hotel deals back in Feb/March and found that Groupon had some really crazy Niagara deals and so I made a friendly birthday suggestion that the 3 of us spend my birthday weekend in Niagara. Aleksy booked the hotel well in advance so I had lots of time to look forward to my birthday weekend away!

We booked the hotel for Friday night since the deal was way cheaper for a Friday. We got to the hotel about 7pm after stopping at the Zehrs to buy some things for supper and the next day for breakfast (we didn't know breakfast was included!).

Logan was super excited to be in a new hotel environment! This was just after we arrived... Logan with all his toys in the comfy bed. He was so happy in the hotel room!
After we ate our sushi and salad and cracked into the wine/beer, Aleksy brought out my surprise cupcakes! So delish from Hey Cupcake. Red velvet (always my fav) and smores. We had these with champagne for dessert.
This is my monster the next morning. In the bed. Did we plan for Logan to sleep in the bed? No! We had his playpen all set up and put him down a little behind schedule, about 9:30pm (he's usually down by 8:30) and he had a rough time falling asleep and staying asleep. He was up every half hour or so through the night then at 5:30am he was wide eyed awake! So overstimulated by hotel life! So I caved and put him in the bed with pillows around him and slept beside him from 6 to about 7:30am. Anythin for some extra sleep. Thank goodness for 2 beds! Guess he didn't get the memo that it was my birthday!
My monster eating my birthday present!! New running shoes!! After I opened up my present, we headed down for the free continental breakfast (where we were met by about 10 children who also wanted breakfast at the same time), then we got Logan and ourselves ready for a morning swim in the pool! I was really excited for the morning swim... we went to great extremes of packing all the swim gear for us and Logan but then it was sooooo cold. I felt so bad for Logan's shivering that he was only in for about 5 minutes.
After the brief swim, Logan was ready for his morning nap (in his playpen!) so I thought... what better time for a morning birthday beer?
All rested and ready to explore the falls. Due to extended nap times (he had a good nap... exhausted from a bad nights sleep!), we checked out after the 11am time... ooops!
And then we headed to Clifton Hill... Logan was very alert with all the music on the streets and flashy signs!
And Logan's first time at the falls! It was kind of a cloudy day, but luckily the rain/snow waited until we were heading home! It was a bit cold walking around but not as bad as last year when we were in Niagara in February!
Our last stop before heading home was to the Hersheys store. Because it was my birthday and calories don't count on your birthday, I got a delicious milkshake (serious chocolatey goodness) and chocolate AND peanut butter covered pretzels. This makes 30 feel better!

So does all the nice things everyone did for me for the birthday... birthday wine, flowers, lunch, brunch, homemade cake & supper, and today I did some shopping with my birthday money!There was definitely some prolonged celebrating!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Toronto Visits

We have made road trips up to Toronto a few times in the past month!

The first trip we made up was February 20th weekend. Logan, Aleksy and I went to Toronto to visit his sister Alyssa and her partner, Jon. As Logan likes to call them.. Auntie Alyssa an Uncle Jon. We were very clearly guests of honour because Alyssa made us this delicious pie AND an apple crisp! We went for a walk around High Park, got some take out Thai for supper and after Logan went to sleep we stayed up late (that's 1am for us) and played some cards against humanity! We even had blueberry pancakes made for us for breakfast. Logan did great... slept the night with waking just once for his bottle then slept in!
Logan had his very first parent-free overnight with his Nana and Dziadek on a random Tuesday night after Aleksy scored free Leafs tickets at work. Spontaneous even with a baby! We went to Toronto Tuesday March 15th with Aleksys brother and his girlfriend Nicole. We got 4 tickets so they joined us for supper (at a random pub we googled because we didn't want to go to the Loose Moose for the 100th time) and for the game afterward!
The last time we got free tickets to the leafs game, we got the sweetest seats in the 100s. These were nosebleeds in the 300s.. so far away! And the ticket value was still at 100 at piece... so crazy!

I like hockey so I enjoyed the game but I don't love hockey so I would never spend the 100 per ticket plus transportation! And the beer is good but way overpriced (as it always is).
We visited the CN tower for the 100th time too! Such tourists that live 2 hours away!

After the game, a delicious street meat sausage, and the drive home, we didn't get home until close to 1am so we left Logan overnight at his Nana and Dziadeks. When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't wait to go pic him up first thing. He did so well on his overnight too!
I thought I'd show you what I mean by nosebleeds:

We are very lucky... like the Irish to have family to help and Logan had another overnight just a few nights later when we went to Burlington for Nikki and Jon Jon's annual St. Patty's party! This was pre-planned way in advance. We asked for Logan's overnight in February so we could party without having to drink responsibly for Mr. Logan. Although Logan didn't attend the party, he was dressed for it with his green ninja turtles shirt and St. Pat's gear!
It's always a good idea to take the pictures so well into the night... this is probably 5 hours in! My drink of choice was so tasty that night: coconut water and rum with a splash of pineapple.... yum! Like pina colodas without the crazy calories.

Our staying up skills were not quite as good as the other attendees but we did pretty good for us staying up until about 2am! And even though I could of slept in, I woke up at 8am and couldn't get back to sleep :( I was way too excited to get back to London for my baby! (he did well that night too, only waking for his bottle and sleeping in late!)