Tuesday, May 9, 2017

All things Logan

Why does time run away so fast with kids? I've somehow paused my time with Logan and still picture him bout the 12 month mark, but now he's approaching the 2 mark! I even started a Pinterest board for his second bday party. And I haven't even done a post about what he's doing at the current stage for months and months! And this guy is 4 months away from 2... 20 months to some but I think his months are too high to go by that now..

 We bought him a "potty" - really a toilet seat that goes on top and he is obsessed! He's sitting on it here. He asks to go "pot" - and points to the toilet. We then pull his diaper down, and he sits on his the toilet on hius potty for probably a total of 5 seconds then he's "all done" and can't wait to flush, wash his hands and use the hand towel - I think that's the real reason he wants to use the potty.
We aren't officially in toilet training mode, just getting him used to the diea that he has a toilet seat and will go potty eventually!

One of Logan's favourite things to do is grab his boots and put it by the gate, door or wall and hold on while he puts them on... and get really mad and frustrated when he cant get them on.

Clothes or not.. he loves playing in his boots! And I love this picture because it fully shows his personality - he loves to make faces and do silly things like put a toy in his mouth to make you laugh. At daycare, he also makes all the kids laugh with his sillyness.

He loves to pull up his shirt showing his belly button saying "whew!" then immediately point to everyone in the room to lift their shirts and show their belly buttons! And he sure knows where his belly button is and is pretty much an expert of his body parts and says them all clearly: eyes, mouth (will point to food and say"mouth" when he wants us to eat... usually the food he doesn't want to eat), cheeks, ears, toes, hair.
We also discovered this week that he sings the first few letters of the ABC's!
He loves to make excited hand shaking gestures to make us laugh (that's what he's doing here), and also make a cute tilty smiley face and say "cheese!". And he will make the cute smile face upon request too.

He loves when we count and will count along "2, 2, 2, 2". Actually 2 is the best and there's no real purpose for other numbers.

If he catches you heading toward the bathroom, he will follow you and yell "poo!" and we have to reassure him that sometimes we just go pee. He also tells us when he has pooed by saying "poo" and usually grabbing his diaper.

He has SO many words which really started just a few months ago but now he has tons:chair, shirt, pants, light, sock, rock, truck, car, boat, cat, Kate, ball, peas, oats, book and so many more... these are the ones he says and knows by himself and he will repeat bigger words and compound words. Small sentences are still a stretch but he loves when we point to our eyes, chest and him saying "I... love.. you!" and repeats us.
Somewhere along the way, our big eater that ate tons of various veggies, fruits, meals and everything we gave him became mr. I only eat a few foods. The veggies he eats are peas, corn, and avocado. We offer him lots more but he always doesn't touch them. He loves most berries and likes grapes, bananas, and raisin toast, waffles, blueberry jam, our homemade oat pancakes and as you can see here oatmeal! This is goober devouring Aleksys breakfast... a full man sized breakfast!
Breakfast isnt too bad... he likes breakfast food, but lunch and supper are hard. This kid doesnt even like toast.

He eats pasta with only butter and parm, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, and perogies. And lunch meat and cheese and eggs.
There may be a couple others but this is pretty much the extent of it... so particular!

And Mr. Logan's favourite toys are the ride in little tykes car that had the door that opens to get in, his kitchen and play food, mega blocks and then he loves balls and bubbles and is almost always sitting at his little miniature table and chairs and moving the chairs all around. But most of all, outside is his favourite! And "park" he knows when we drive by it now and says "park!".

I need to make sure to document more milestones so I remember what our baby is doing when!

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