Wednesday, May 24, 2017

May 2-4

Our May 2-4 started with a normal Friday of activities.. Aleksy and Logan hit up the LCBO and WalMart while I did my 2 favourite gym classes: power barbell and step/abs. Friday is also our night to have supper separate from Logan after he goes to bed and although it usually is sweet potato nachos (pretty much a Friday tradition!) we didn't have cheese or salsa so we had spaghetti squash with ground turkey, pesto, zucchini and onion. yum.

After Logan was in bed ad we had our supper, we decided on a competitive game of Racko. Competitive because we decided that the loser would drive the next day at the BBQ we were going to with friends.

I clobbered Aleksy with like 12 Rackos in a row and I think he may have only got one. But I felt bad because he drove at Steph's bday so I drove the next day anyway!
Saturday morning, I had a hike planned with Brooklyn at Fanshawe Conservation Area. I picked her up at 10am and we hit the lake trail at Fanshawe. It turned out to be a perfect morning that was sunny and just the right temperature to wear a sweater and be warm.

And one of the first things we saw on this hike was this cool blue egg right on the pathway. It had a little hole knocked in it so it looked like something else pecked and ate it :(
We proceeded to go through even the pathways that were use at your own risk.. because we live on the edge like that. Those big hills didn't stop us (perhaps if we biked we'd stay on the trail).

Before the hike, we stopped at Lynn's bakery right by Brooklyn's place to grab some lunch. It was awesomely inexpensive and so many good treats. We both got sandwiches for lunch along with some veggies and since Aleksy asked me to bring treats home, I got us a lemon tart, raisin scone and cannolli. Everything was like $15... score!

And after I got home from our hike, I picked up some salads and chips and dips to bring to our bbq at Al and Stephs. After Logan had his ridiculously long 3 hour nap, we headed there around 4.

We spent the whole 3.5 hours we were there outside in the backyard because they have the most kid friendly backyard with a swing set, trampoline, and this sand hill with trucks.

You can see here that all 7... yes 7 children are in this picture! 5 boys and 2 girls.
And there was some serious kissing happening with these babies... they were all smiles and kissed a few times!!

And we managed to stay ou tof the rain for playtime, bbqing the beer can chicken and corn, then the rain hit about 730pm so we decided to ehad out.

Normally May 2-4 is our weekend camping with the Osbornes at their trailer, but this year we tried to get a campsite near Pellee island because we got our free Canada Parks passes we want to use but weren't able to find anything then May 2-4 was here just like that. With Sunday being the rainiest day ever, it worked out anyways!

Sunday morning was an oatmeal pancakes kind of morning. We make our own pancakes by blending oats to make oat flour so theyre healthy but still taste delish.. and Logan loves them!

We decided to live the long weekend life and pair them with caesars. Caesars are delicious. Pancakes with fruit are delicious. Not so great together. I recommend caesars as a breakfast beverage for eggs only.

Sunday was our home day where we knocked out a workout in the garage, did groceries and laundry. So we could fully enjoy our holiday Monday!

Victoria Day Monday, we headed out bright and early (well 830... as early as we could!) and headed to Bayfield for the day. Our first stop when we got there for to the Renegades diner for some breakfast! Logan had the blueberry pancakes, I had an omelette and Aleksy had the standard egg and ham breakfast. Then Logan ate all his ham. But there was minimal food thrown on the floor, so it was a successful dine-out experience.
After breakfast, we headed to the park and although there was tons of playground equipment, Logan had the best time running away from the playground and all around the park.

This was a chilly morning... maybe 10 degrees. He will definitely want to spend more time at the park in the summer when the splash pad is on and its warm.
All happiness when playing at the park! He loves to watch the other kids play and do the things big kids do.

I think anytime we take a selfie, he assumes we are opening snapchat and putting the doggy face on because his tongue comes out immediately!

Bayfield family selfie.
After Logan played at the park, we walked down to the water. It was such a cold day, when we got close to the water we could see Logan's little lips chivering, so after he had a tantrum over us trying to give him multiple blankets, put the stroller wind shield on, his hood on, or anything that would make him remotely warmer, we ended up heading back up into town away from the cold breeze of the water.
This is the little walkway that takes you to the marina. Of course we had to walk down by the boats to show Logan!

And when we walked around after avoiding the water, treats were had by all. Some ciders for us, and smarties and cookies for Logan. We had a close call when the OPP drove by, but perhaps the little stroller family on a jaunt didnt look suspicious so we didn't get caught in our crazy cider drinking adventure.
This guys was starting to get tired after about an hour of walking around so we made a couple stops before heading abck to London town to the Flamingo bakery for a sprinkle cookie for Logan, a toffee biscotti for me, and a pink flamingo (pink lemonade) square for Aleksy. Bakeries are the best.

And our last stop was for coffee at the shopbike coffee shop. Aleksy got a cappuccino and I got a matcha latte at this cool fair trade, hippy feeling shop. I decided that the matcha tastes like the matte that we know and love from our Chilean adventures!
And this little goober slept the whole way home from 1-2pm! We was all worn out from the mornings events!

Entertaining him on long rides is the hardest (there's only so many snacks he can eat!) so it was nice to have a peaceful ride home.

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