Monday, March 26, 2018

Pancakes/Hiking/Mason & Lincolns birthday party

Just a post with all the random activities of the past weeks:

We have been to the Kinsmen sugar bush a bunch of times, but I have driven by the sign for the McLauchlin family Pancake House so many times that I decided we would change it up and give this one a whirl.

Logan is just about pancaked out: despite these being delicious and with fresh syrup, he ate a couple bites and wasn't feeling them. Aleksy and I on the other hand were in maple syrup heaven with pancakes, sausage and even mapley baked beans.

We also hit up the store and got some syrup, candies and maple butter tarts.
The nice thing about this sugar bush is there is a play area for the kids! Logan was very excited. He could see it from our table and was eyeing it up the whole time.

We played on the playground for a bit, then went on a horse drawn wagon ride before heading back for nap time.
The day after St Patty's we had some family time hiking in Komoka. It was such a nice day but we had headed up in the morning so it hadn't quite hit the 10 degrees it was supposed to that day.

Logan wanted to wear his tiny backpack since Aleksy was carrying his. Logan was responsible for taking the snacks.

A cheese & cracker and granola bar break. Days like this make me so excited for all the outdoor adventures summer will hold!

Lots of picnicking to come. 
Still so much snow on the trail. I swear this is the longest winter ever.
Despite the hiking for an hour and a half, Logan refused to sleep once we got home. We tried to put him down for almost an hour, then gave up and headed to Canadian tire instead. Then at 5pm on the way home from Canadian tire, this is what happened. And he thought he didn't need naps anymore...
March 24th was Mason and Lincolns birthday party at the Boys and Girls club. Logan had lots of his buddies to keep him company and even shared his bowl of popcorn.
Instead of eating pizza, games were played around the party room. Logan was loving running around with the other small people.

Logan had a bit more attention when the cake came out. So basically, cake for supper...
These guys favourite treats are Popsicles and they were served for their special day of turning 2. We also realized we haven't given Logan a Popsicle before so Logan also had his first Popsicle (and then Aleksys too).
Logan using all his force with the Chase pinata. The only time he's allowed to deliberately hit things with a stick! The excitement.

We was also excited for the rockets and "eggies" (chocolate eggs) that fell out but wasn't greedy at all, I had to encourage him to grab more!
Running around the gym is one of Logans favourite things (he LOVES his program through the Spectrum that is now over) and he insisted he wanted to rock climb but once he got to free floating in the air, he didn't want anything to do with that anymore!

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