Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Fun Stuff of the Long Weekend

We did so many little things this long weekend that it actually felt long! Especially because we made plans on Friday night. Usually Fridays consist of a Wal Mart snack trip and family movie night. Our original plan was to take Logan to Delaware Speedway with a sitter lined up for Leah but then we realized the actual racing started at 7:45pm, which is Logans bedtime and with Leah, we probably wouldnt have ended up home until 10:30-11pm so we decided to cancel (we will try again next year when Logans a bit older and can handle a late night and Leah's bigger too!). So instead of that we decided to go back to Kustermans and go to the play area this time.

The first thing that Logan remembered when we said we were going blueberry picking again was the train ride! Even though it was technically closed, the place was so dead that they let us go on anyways! Plus, Logan got the yellow car.
Last time we got rained out when blueberry picking a couple weeks ago, but this time we had perfect weather. This is exactly how blueberry picking goes: us picking, Logan eating and Leah sleeping. These are the best blueberries.

We grabbed one of their delicious blueberry pies too for our bbq with Steph & Jon on Saturday.
Because evenings are rushed, I thought the best easiest thing to do for supper would be pack sandwiches. Easy and fast!

So we had a little supper picnic before heading into the play area.
It was the best time ever to go. There were no kids... maybe a couple other people out in the massive play area and because of how big it is, we didn't even notice. We had the entire corn pit and everything else to ourselves! If we go back, it will be a Friday after work for sure.
We went to Ilderton twice on Saturday. First, we hit up the Ilderton Farmers market which we discovered the week before for veggies and local meat. The later in the afternoon we went to the Tessa and Scott Moir Thank you parade in Ilderton with Steph, Jon and Rachel!

It was the hottest day ever and a super packed event!
I think I was more excited by Splash and Boots than Tessa and Scott. They have been on my tv on good ol' treehouse way more than the ice skating!

And this is the huge crowd at the parade and also if you really look close, there's Tessa and Scott in the car there!

And because it was the hottest 45 minutes of parade watching ever, the kids cooled off after in the splash pad. We parked right beside it so why not?
Backyard bbq to follow complete with a fire!
And the next day we decided to re-visit the splash pad this time with a bathing suit so Logan could have more play! He loved it!

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