Thursday, May 17, 2018

Mother's Day Weekend

We finally had our first backyard fire in our new pit!

I've been looking forward to these smores for a long time! It's a little tricky for Logan's little 2 year old arms to reach the fire with the marshmallows so we may need some longer pokers.

Logan took all of 1/2 a bite of his then was done. Typical. Me I could have eaten 10 but limited myself to 2 plus a ton of marshmallows that don't count if you just eat a few out of the bag.
And spidey dogs. Logan refuses to eat hot dogs when we've offered but these he liked. Trying to make sense of what he likes and doesn't is entirely impossible.
When Logan said the smoke was getting into his eyes, the solution was simple. Safety goggles. So versatile.... toy, costume, protective wear.
Mothers day morning, opening my awesome presents at 7am! I asked Logan on Friday when he got home from daycare if he made me something (because I'm like that) and he said "a BIG, BEAUTIFUL flower!". And it was exactly what he made me. I love this stage and I dont ever want him to get older. BIG BEAUTIFUL flowers every Mothers day please.

With the help of Aleksy, Logan also picked me out a pretty pearl necklace (to match my pearl bracelet).
Mothers day morning, we headed for a day trip to Bayfield. It was a little chilly in the morning but walking around made it better. Cupcakes help too. Logan just licked his icing off....

This flamingo bakery in Bayfield is our go-to!
Showing Logan the sunken ship, which Logan insisted needed to be "rescued!".
Boats don't go into the water until later I guess in Bayfield. There were 1 maybe 2 sailboats in the water. And the other boats were all rescue boats because Logan told us so.
My child... declines his timbits, doesn't want his cupcake (icing only), but somehow devours half a meat stick.

Also, they apparently sell meat sticks at the little boutique coffee shop in Bayfield.. random.
One more stop at the park before we head back to London for afternoon treats with Mom. And a pit stop at the Foodland for some lunch foods because Logan was for sure going to fall asleep on the way home!
And we spent our afternoon with some (surprisingly really yummy) gluten free treats and coffee and Mom, Steph, Jon and Rachel. A perfect opportunity to take advantage of our new patio set and patio!

And of course because we pile everything into a day, we finished the day at Lorraine and Richards with a BBQ and Logan having an overnight because his daycare is closed this week and we've all split up Logan days!

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