Monday, January 7, 2019

6 Months!

Half a year has passed since Leah's birth! Time flies... I think even quicker with the 2nd! Well... it seems the first 2 months are long and they are newborns and then bam. 6 months.

This perfect little girl as been an angel from the start. Happiest baby. Always content, not demanding and I'm always in awe of what I can accomplish in a day being home with her. While she naps I can workout, blog, do laundry and she naps well on the go too and I did so much Christmas shopping with her.

Her sleep has been all over the place from sleeping too much where we had to wake her up to feed her (because she wasn't gaining weight well around 3 months) to getting up every 2 hours... that's the recent trend. Last night was better with only 2 wake ups at 2 and 5 but I think the teething has been the culprit! Her first tooth has poked through and I see the other one coming through too! I was getting up with her on my own until the past 2 weeks and sharing the wake ups makes it much better for my sleep!

And since I introduced formula at 3.5 months, Leah has gained 5 lbs in 2.5 months! She is now 17 lbs of cute chubs. She still nurses well, loves her bottles (and has usually 10-16 oz of formula a day) and hates solids! We sneak feed her every time... she won't open her mouth. And that's for pablum with formula and banana/apple sauce mixed it and sweet potatoes and avocado with banana. Those are all the foods we've tried so far!
Her new trick is siting up all on her own. She also has been rolling over for a couple months and doesn't hate being on her tummy! She is no longer swaddled and sleep sack no longer holds her arms!

She loves the jolly jumper and her exersaucer and will spend half an hour in each no problem.

I thought I'd document her milestones since in the next 6 months huge things are going to happen like cruising,crawling and who knows maybe walking! And we really hope sleeping through the night ha!

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